
The 19th AASVET Conference is Going to be held in Indonesia

Procedure for paper submission.

Application for paper submission:

Type/Upload your abstract (500~600 words in English). We will accept abstracts until October02, 2023. Provide your name, affiliation, paper title, and topic scope (choose one of the 12 topics). 


Authors must be registered in the member list of the headquarters or the Preparatory Committee of the 19th AASVET Conference until November 01, 2023

Abstract review:

The review will be conducted by several members in October. Authors may be requested to revise or withdraw their papers through the review. In the case of many applications, we may limit the number of papers, considering the balance of each country. 

Final full paper:

Submit your full and final paper for submission by October 25, 2023. 4-6 pages (2,000-3,000 words) on A4 size paper. The electronic special volume will be uploaded in mid-December 2023. We will consider it as an official publication. Members from every country can download this volume.